主要论著、 代表性论文 |
1.Li, Z.#,Lang, Y.#,Liu, L., Bunyatov, M., Sarmiento, A.I., de Groot, R.J. & Boons, G.J. (2021).SyntheticO-Acetylated Sialosides Facilitate Functional Receptor Identification for Human Respiratory Viruses.Nature Chemistry13, 496–503 (2021)共同第一作者,影响因子=24.42, Top期刊 2.Lang, Y.,Li, W., Li, Z., Koerhuis, D., van den Burg, A.C.S., Rozemuller, E., Bosch, BJ., van Kuppeveld, F.J., Boons, G.J., Huizinga, E.G., van der Schaar, H.M.& de Groot, R.J. (2020).Coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase and spike proteins coevolve for functional balance and optimal virion avidity.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America117 (41) 25759-25770.第一作者,影响因子=11.20, Top期刊 3.Hulswit, R.J.G.#,Lang, Y.#, Bakkers, M.J.G.#, Li, W., Li, Z., Schouten, A., Ophorst, B., van Kuppeveld, F.J., Boons, G.J., Bosch, B.J. and Huizinga, E.G & de Groot, R.J. (2019). Human coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 bind to 9-O-acetylated sialic acids via a conserved receptor binding site in spike protein domain A.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America116(7), pp.2681-2690共同第一作者,影响因子=9.41, Top期刊 4.Hurdiss, D.L., Drulyte, I.#,Lang, Y.#,Shamorkina T.M., Pronker M.F., van Kuppeveld, F.J., Snijder, J & de Groot, R.J. (2020).Cryo-EM structure of coronavirus-HKU1 haemagglutinin esterase reveals architectural changes arising from prolonged circulation in humans.Nature Communications11, 4646.影响因子=12.12, Top期刊 5.Tortorici, M.A, Walls, A.C,Lang, Y.,Wang, C., Li, Z., Koerhuis, D., Boons, G.J., Bosch, BJ., Rey, F. A., de Groot, R.J. & Veesler, D. (2019).Structural basis for human coronavirus attachment to sialic acid receptors.Nature structural & molecular biology, 26, pp.481–489影响因子=11.98, Top期刊 6.Li, W., Hulswit, R. J., Widjaja, I., Raj, V. S., McBride, R., Peng, W., Widagdo, W., Tortorici, M.A., van Dieren, B.,Lang, Y., van Lent, J. W., Paulson, J.C., de Haan, C.A.M., de Groot, R.J., van Kuppeveld, F.J.M., Haagmans, B.L & Bosch, B.J. (2017).Identification of sialic acid-binding function for the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike glycoprotein.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America114(40), E8508-E8517.影响因子=9.50, Top期刊 7.Bakkers, M.J.G.,Lang, Y., Feitsma, L.J., Hulswit, R.J.G., de Poot, S.A.H., van Vliet, A.L.W., Margine, I., Mijnes- de Groot, J.D.F., van Kuppeveld, F.J.M., Langereis, M.A., Huizinga, E.G. & de Groot, R.J. (2017).Betacoronavirus adaptation to humans involved progressive loss of hemagglutinin-esterase lectin activity.Cell Host & Microbe21(3), 356-366.影响因子=17.87, Top期刊 8.Lang, Y.,Gao, S., Du, J., Shao, J., Cong, G., Lin, T., Zhao F., Liu L. & Chang, H. (2014). Polymorphic genetic characterization of E2 gene of bovine viral diarrhea virus in China.Veterinary Microbiology.174(3), 554-559.影响因子=2.56, Top期刊 9.Gao, S., Du, J., Shao, J.,Lang, Y.,Lin, T., Cong, G., Zhao, F., Belák, S., Liu, L., Chang, H. & Yin, H. (2014). Genome analysis reveals a novel genetically divergent subgenotype of bovine viral diarrhea virus in China.Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 21:489-91.影响因子=2.59 10.Gao, S., Luo, J., Du, J.,Lang, Y.,Cong, G., Shao, J., Lin, T., Zhao, F., Belák, S., Liu, L., Chang, H. & Yin, H. (2013). Serological and molecular evidence for natural infection of Bactrian camels with multiple subgenotypes of bovine viral diarrhea virus in Western China.Veterinary Microbiology.163(1-2):172-6.影响因子=2.56,Top期刊 |